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is the snowwhite tiara already available i cant seem to find it in drone expeditions?

will non patreons recieve more updates? or is it patreon only from now on?

The next update (0.28) will be mostly patreon content only, the following updates will be "normal" updates


Me encanta este juego, "I love this game".


Do you have any idea of when the story will end. I hope it is not soon. And when it does end, I hope there will be a sequel 

The goal is to create 3 games, each game will be a chapter of "Once a porn a time".

The first chapter should be finished by fall.

I am in South-Africa, so I have no idea when your fall is lol

Indeed ^^" ...

I'm talking about October / November / December


how do u patch the game if u have the old version?


Just extract the new version and move the new files to where the old version is installed or move your saves from the old version to the new version. Either will work.

can we be frends on discord i dont get the idea how im sorry

I'm afraid I'm not just a random anon on Discord and I don't feel like giving a random anon my real name, but I can try to give you a better explanation.

Download and extract the new version. Open the new folder in one window (should be something like "OnceAPornATime_0.27P2.3-pc")(I'll call this TopLevelNew) and the old folder in another one (IDK which version you have but the name should be similar to the one above just different numbers)(I'll call this TopLevelOld). Now just drag and drop all the files and folders from TopLevelNew into TopLevelOld, select to overwrite all and done, now you can delete TopLevelNew. Alternatively, you can move your saves, they are located in TopLevelOld/game/saves, just move the saves folder into TopLevelNew/game and done, now you can delete TopLevelOld.

Hopefully now it's easier to understand. If you don't understand something, just ask and I'll try my best to clarify.

thanks mate

I can't seem to get past the part where you search the computer for annahs clothes, it says I'm missing something but I'm not sure how to get it, especially since I'm stuck in that singular room. Any help?

Hint: drawers

oh I've finished the game now, turns out I was bugged and I couldn't finish the quest, had to load an older save slot for it to work


OMG just finished playing the game and loved everything about it.

What i really liked was the build up to the sex scenes i mean you had work for it you know and yes it did feel a little grindy if that can be managed a little better then i have no complaints. 

I would love to support this game in the future when i have extra money. 


(1 edit)

Have you created discord server for this game Salty?


Not at the moment. It would take me a lot of time to manage it I think

(1 edit) (+1)

what is the answer to "WINNER WINNER CHICKEN"  and " I TOOK  AN ARROW IN THE " help pls




thank you

(1 edit)

Most are easily googleable, there were only 2 I had problems with, "the antic book of love" which is KARMASUTRA and another which i cant remember and gave up on

If you cant find the answer, look in the comments here, almost all the answers have been posted

EDIT: They are all memes (some a bit dated), pop culture references or both.

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rip i cant continue the story because i cant use a certain key and i cant copy and paste but its a good game

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When is the big update 


I am currently working on the 0.28, I advise you to follow me on patreon to know when it will be released.


Interesting 🤔


Actually a very enjoyable game, I'm not ashamed to say that I have about 20 hours in it. The grammer's a little rough around the edges, but the gemeplay is smooth and the art style is very pleasing to the eye. My favorite character HAS to be the big boss Tinker, followed closely by Emee. Keep up the great work Salty!


dude, i have 5k just waiting to be used for the next update...

i need a life


Don't worry man. I'm planning to add some possible aesthetic improvements for the headquarters ^^
I think it's a good idea to add optional objectives for people with too much money ahah

Day 2 of grinding up money, gonna get to 15k, maybe ill say my strat, maybe I wont 

PS. toss a coin to your Witcher oh valley of plenty.
I may or may not have watched the witcher...

when is the new patch cumming?


bruh lol

(2 edits) (-1)

The bonus is a good idea to reduce grinds, but I think it builds up to the maximum too quickly. Either slow that rate down or have all day events where you cant use the drone afterwards reset the count to 0 days, or perhaps both.

plz we need a walkthough therea re some missions that let you crazy cuz u dont know what the hell to do i can´t pass annas 3rd mission

You need to wait lol

help me i cant pass the 3rd mission of anna

Turns out you need to wait a couple days between each stage of that mission.

oh thanks

You've probably thought of this but I'll write it just in case. 
Instead of doing `if userInput == correctPass: ...` do `if hash(userInput) == hashOfCorrectPass: ...`. 
Hashes are, as far as I know, irreversible (unless you feel like brute-forcing it), so you can hide Patreon codes and chest passwords this way.

Deleted 223 days ago

You must type "Hacking program initiated!"       

Deleted 3 years ago
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Nope, after Red Queen dress there is a lot of content

Deleted post

"WAY"? Ugandan Nuckles?

Deleted post

Will there ever be an actual sex scene with tinker? More than just seeing her naked I mean


There's a lesbian scene in the patreon quests

With Tinker?





how do i trigger double apple quest

You need to be Patreon :)

Hey salty ! In my savegame I didn't have the christmas boobs quest. Where did I missed it ?

When SnowWhite offers you to make a Christmas hat for Tinker, if you continue the game without bringing her the clothes scraps she asked you for, the quest will be cancelled.


loved the game, although it was really grindy.  constructive criticism for future updates would include a developer/cheat mode to relive every scene and/or give infinite resources, include every nude or sex scene in the gallery with all dialog options/variations , ANAL if its not already included, more interaction with the characters during sex especially if you include an improved replay/dev mode like choosing which hole clothes or speed etc, reduce the grind by giving more resources or reducing downtime/expedition time, sex noises, more characters which i know are coming, futa/trap? also, is it even possible to 100% this/can we get a walkthrough/ guide? never managed to do anything with Melisandre and only got emee to show me her tits once and never found the final head option for snow white or the scene with her and the queen.

Again fantastic game just my thoughts and looking forward to the next update whenever that is.

hi, it seems i've completed all the main stories and character quests, but it still remains some quest images unlocked, what should i do?

The locked one are exclusives for patreons


A very well made game. I'll be waiting for the next update!

what happen to my christmas boobs quest, its show the quest name and ???both. and im stuck on the snowwhite 3rd dress plz anybody help

I'm stuck on lesson 2 for Anna. Not sure whatbelse to do?

I finished all the main quests and characters quests what do i do now

Wait for the next update :D

(1 edit) (-1)

Can some one tell me what is the password in the snow cave ???

in the chamber where is the floating arm what is the code?



That box find on drone expedition that says "


What I need to get the code for?

(2 edits)

watch Frozen by Disney Entertainment

or google the phrase 
and don't forget to type is caps lock


Got as far as I can, really like the new content. There's a couple of options that were unavailable, they were showing up but had a black heart next to them and wouldn't let me even try them, does that mean I messed up somehow?

Curious to see who the unknown person is (the old boss? A rival of Emee's?) and why they are helping me! Also like that with the new girl (I can't spell her name!) a few questions are answered, like why there was an error with Lil Red Riding Hood! 

Keep up the good work!


i feel stupid not knowing this. But in my opinion i tried every possible one that were kinda possible ig and all in caps



 yo tambien necesito esa clave me estoy estresando

Liked the game so much I made my own mod for it that expands some of the existing content, and streamlines/upgrades a lot of the menu stuff. I'd probably only provide it to Salty01 though (if they wanted to integrate it into the next release)

Pssst, if she doesnt qant it still wanna send me the file for it. 

nono just kidding i only want to see it and stuff if the creator approves of it and ads it to the game i hope she does tho

Fully functional store in the old Computer style, with new (simpler) code on the back end.

You have my full permission ^^

I just can't guarantee that it will work with the new and next versions of the game of course ^^

I don't know if I messed up at some point, but I'm done with all quests and still haven't unlocked Hair Creation.

What i missing for quest? Missing quest images 4, 7, 9, 11 and 13. Are they just for Patreons? Plus i got ''toy'' for Anna but i cant use it. why?

can someone telll me what i have to write in when there says write in cuve code i am to stupid


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