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Still waiting for the next update UwU

I'm stuck in the code of the arm in the cave of the castle what is the code?

Commenting bc I would like to know too



The Game is very cool

I really liked the game. I look forward to new versions. But I had a question in the process of passing, how to get nipple clamps? Please help me! i'm not good at english so if it's misspelled somewhere, don't judge me.

Try to train her before ask her to do extreme lewd things


Do I need to uninstall or what because its not letting me update the game it just says app failed to install

Yup, you need to uninstall

(2 edits) (+1)

I really enjoy this game, it's different than the rest. But I have to ask, will you only be taking Disney characters or will you take characters from everything. It would be very interesting if you did.

Thank you very much!

Actually, I mostly take characters from fairy tales, so I can choose characters from anywhere (but, I'm also planning some others that will derogate from this rule, but it's a surprise so don't tell anyone ahah. )

Even if I still like the game very much I feel that I have to tell you that the thing that happens after you get the new toy actually made me a bit sad, which I didn't expected. I mean it's a freaking game and I got a bit sad over something that happened there. I really hope that MC somehow gets revenge on her big time.

Sry if it's not makes any sense, I'm trying to explain something and give as few spoilers as possible. Hope you understand what I'm referring to.

Sorry but I have trouble to understand...
Don't worry, you can spoil, I'm curious to get your opinion.

Emee and Anna. Idk, I guess I'm putting myself in MCs shoes a bit to much but it made me sad that she went behind my back with Anna. Sure it wasn't much work with anna, but it took some time still. And then Emee, a friend, comes along and takes the opportunity. But at least she was honest about it i guess.


Definitely love the recent update. Can't wait for the next. Loving the story too so far

Thx dude,

I really appreciate ~~


The best game of the site
I can't wait for the next update

Thx dude ~~

Deleted 3 years ago


Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

i cant save for some reason

It won't let me install the newest update. Do I have to uninstall and then try?

It will not allow me to buy the game

I don't know what to do when I find this



I tried snowman and he says wrong

You have to use caps lock, it doesn't count holding shift

Both android links don't work for me 

(1 edit)

What is the cuve No 

I put in 002'05 and it doesn't seem to work. 

Am I just a idiot


That's 002105.

Oh wow, that looks nothing like a 1 to me. Tahnks for the help.

The android version isn't an apk or zip  what should I do

It's normaly an apk
I dont know what you do ._.

Deleted 4 years ago

I found the problem I have to download from the browser itch and not the app it works now


emee's achiev not yet been released or did I not get it?

Not yet been released :)

For some reason I'm not keeping the credits or clothes data/blueprints I find, what's happening? I'm on android

whens the next update

Follow my Patreon if you want more news :)

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best game I've ever played on not to mention it's on Android so I can us my phone instead of having to find a way to make space on my desktop my only problem is that there is the patrion exclusive stuff and while I understand the motive behind it I just think its a bit unfair to those of us who don't have enough money to spend it on games I'm fine if you make some of the stuff harder to get if I don't support your patrion but please as soon as possible could you change it so that things like the extra patrion gold coin for snow white are accessible to people who don't have that kind of money so long as we put in a bit of elbow grease other than that I'm astounded at how amazing this game is the art is a ten the character interaction is a ten and the smoothness of the game is like in between eight and ten because it lags a lot but I also don't know if that's just my phone I'm looking forward to new updates and as a final note I'm fucking in love with the art for Anna it's the best so far just please keep it up I love this game and just like Rick astley once said I'm never gonna give it up 


isn't there any cheat codes for cash


I played it, I like it, it reminds me of the star 34 game from akabur, but I will not compare games tho. I loved the coin idea and the searching droid, nice game. It have lots of potential. 

Perhaps some kinks and fetish would be cool, but I dunno, just saying

Yo... I conpleted the latest update 0.26 in the public release and for some reason I missed one "Character Quest". I completed tinzx, snow, and anna; is emee the last one? I checked every dialogue but none seems to work.

Help... 🥺🥺


This is an exceptional game so far. Well done. If I had a job right now or any money at all, I'd definitely be supporting you. For now, hopefully my review/comments are good enough and encourage you to keep working hard at it! 

I played through the current version from start to finish yesterday. I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I love the dialogue/humor, the art and animations, the story/writing and overall plot direction (you have endless possibilities for future content), and of course the sexual content is great. I like how you're not rushing into the NSFW stuff though, it's a buildup, a tease, and requires work. Which is how it should be, because it makes it that much more satisfying when you're rewarded! 

I know it's still early in development, and in-game you've already hinted at different content you want to add so I'm sure it's on your radar, but I would repeat what some others have said, in that getting money can be a bit tedious. I mean, I love the drone mini-game, but there is little variety. Also, just as far as Quality of Life stuff, I found myself spending many days in a row gaining money via drone, and the having to click the arrow to go back to the other room in order to sleep. I do like that it feels more immersive that way, but it's still a lot of clicking back and forth. Delayed gratification is important for any game, especially in a way in which it allows the story to unfold more organically. I would suggest finding a way to make earning money still difficult/time-consuming, without being too repetitive. Maybe have multiple methods instead of "just" the drone. One idea would be to capitalize on the characters/androids, giving a visual/eye-candy element to earning money would probably greatly reduce the mental fatigue of clicking through the drone  mini-game 100 times in a row. Perhaps some sort of scavenging mini-game with Emee. Or maybe unlock other ways to earn money once you finish a questline with a specific character.

Another quick suggestion: it's currently possible to repeat *some* "finished" sex acts (i.e. have Snow White strip for you), but it would be great if you could allow us to repeat the other acts/scenes too.

Sorry for the long review, haha hopefully it just further emphasizes my enthusiasm. I'm excited to see what you come out with, the next update(s) can't come soon enough.


Thank you very much for your comment! It's great to hear you love this game!

Concerning the drone, I talked a bit about it in my last post on patreon, but I'm in the process of completely redesigning it to make it something interesting to play.

I can't wait to show you!
Anyway, thank you very much!

My pleasure. I'd say I'll be checking in frequently, but as I am unable to contribute to your Patreon, I feel like checking back too often would only make the wait that much more unbearable! ;)

So I'll check back in a few months or so. Best of luck to you. If you ever want other feedback/suggestions, I'm happy to help. Just reply here!

:( i finished it

So I'm scavenging with Emee and I see that I need to log into the computer to get the blueprint for the coronation dress for Anna. I can find the dress blueprint and I can open the drawers. But apparently I need to find data clothes, which I can't find anywhere. Every time I talk to Emee at the door, I can only say Good luck, and every time I go outside I get sent back in. This is with the Android version. Does anyone maybe have a solution for this?

You have to either buy them on the computer or use the drone to find them(they're really far out so you have to use ap boosts)

I have bought clothes data, but where do I insert it or what do I do with it to copy the blueprint

Normally you just go to the creation center and tap on the blueprint you want to make and it'll tell you if you have enough of not, if you do then it'll ask do you want to proceed or not and after that it'll tell you how man in game days it'll take to make

I know that. That isn't the problem. The issue is when I go on the scavenging mission, I get stuck in a loop. I have to copy the blueprint for the dress, but I don't have any data clothes to copy it onto. It also doesn't say where I can find the data clothes or where I can insert them. Then everytime I talk to Emee, all I can say is Good luck with that. And everytime I go outside, my character just asks Tinker what the password is for the inventory and sends me back inside. I think it's maybe that the dev hasn't finished that part of the story, so I'm just going to wait for the next update

actually it is implemented. there should be some  blueprints in a drawer and you can overwrite one of them on the computer

Spent several hours, until I found a sub folder on the computer next to her. There you can type in 123ANNA123

Whats the answer for : "-They'er Taking The Hobbits To"?

Ive already tried mount doom and mordor both in caps.

Can't confirm it rn, but it gotta be isengard 


and now its toss a coin to  your witcher oh valley of -


That song is great

What's the answer to "-SILVER FOR"


I'm not sure what happened, but nothing I buy in the game is being delivered anymore, it did at first but it somehow stopped at one point, I'm guessing it's a bug, but I have no idea on how to fix this.


how do you open the box

 guess i'll




guess i'll die


Great Game

Do the updates automatically go to the app or do I need to reinstall the app

you have to install this version and delete the older one. You will keep your savefiles

It doesn't save anything i tried to install the update but it wouldn't install so I uninstalled it and when I reinstalled it with the update I lost my progres

are the mobile and computer ones the same game? it doesn't look like they are

(1 edit) (+2)

the mobile port is made by other peoples not the dev

Everytime i go to update the android app it goes the package is corrupt i treid reinstalling the updtae, shoul i reinstall the game???

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So... i may be dumb, but how do you progress after you get the message saying "chapter 1 is complete"? I couldnt find anything to get any new quests or anything and all of the clothing and stuff seemed to no longer be avalible... is that the end of the content or am i missing something?

I am  not sure if I am missing something, but i have absolutely no idea of how to gift Snow White the 3 Apple Basket. Can anyone help me?

Buy thems in the store and offer her as a gift.

(1 edit)

Soooo the 5999 credit Housekeeper dress. I know you can talk her down to 750, but whenever I see a diverging path like this with clearly defined gradations of required work to progress in a game, it makes me wonder if there's a benefit to not taking the path of least resistance. Usually paths of greater resistance aren't available unless there's something to be gained by traversing them.

I noticed that if you try to buy the dress design at 5999 credits though, this game actually lets you. I'm curious; is there any advantage, immediate or delayed, to doing so? In the immediate aftermath it seems like the only difference is Emee comments that she didn't think I was that rich, and she should have charged me more. If that's the only difference between the paths, I'm thinking I'd probably want to just rewind a couple steps and do the 'haggling' dialogue.

Dude... This line was just a joke ._.

I got it down to 75 in my play through


Will there be a new update or has this project been abandoned?

there will be new update but she need some money to make it quick and take some helpers (just go to her patreon and you will see)


I never said I needed more money.

The next update is under development, and will be released soon

(1 edit)

oh... sorry ^^" i missunderstand ><

english is not my best language ^^"

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