is there actually any sex in this? I’m at chapter 2 and even the strip show didn’t have her legs open, so the most you see is breasts. Seems like an interesting and fun game, but definitely lacking sexual content.
yea, I usually save before every encounter, as well as go over each option (do it, rewind, and go over it again). It's an interesting game and normally I don't play the 2D cartoonie type games, but it caught my attention. I find that it's a really hard balance with these games, trying to find a balance between story and sexual encounters. But so far, I find that many of these games are more story and teasing than actual encounters. And that's even more so when you look for a particular fetish.
I've got a problem, I've reached the point where Anna and snow white are bugged and Tinker bell is supposed to be working on a fix for it, nothing has happened for 30 in game days
is this an in-game bug that caused an actual bug? if so that's meta as all hell
no puedo preguntar y si el desarollador me responde estaré feliz de recibir su respuesta sea cual sea repuesto siempre comentarios como el tuyo rara ves contesto siéntete contento que lo hago
Se eu não me engano você tem que fazer expedições com drones até no minimo o meio do mapa, e então um drone com rubi aparecerá e depois do terceiro drone pronto a missão está concluida (Pelo menos foi isso que eu entendi de o que você disse).
Eu fiz várias vezes mas não aconteceu nada não encontrei nada não vc tem esse salve no seu jogo depois tira um print e me mostra como tenho q fazer fazendo um favor😓
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How do you open the console? Shift O does nothing
El juego esta en español?
Creo que no ;-;
is there actually any sex in this? I’m at chapter 2 and even the strip show didn’t have her legs open, so the most you see is breasts.
Seems like an interesting and fun game, but definitely lacking sexual content.
yes, there is sex, but more far ahead, and be careful, because you can miss some better versions of some scenes
yea, I usually save before every encounter, as well as go over each option (do it, rewind, and go over it again). It's an interesting game and normally I don't play the 2D cartoonie type games, but it caught my attention.
I find that it's a really hard balance with these games, trying to find a balance between story and sexual encounters. But so far, I find that many of these games are more story and teasing than actual encounters. And that's even more so when you look for a particular fetish.
Is there a way to transfer my Android save data to PC?
What is the code on Call_Cuve Pc? I am stuck in this part
How do you get access to the console commands for Android
When does sphinx show up again after chapter 1 part 1?
she shows up many times homie
do you have to restart with each new update after it installs
in the first question of "Sphinx" i have tried all the ways "human" "man" "person" and none works for me, am I fine or is it a bug in the game?
HUMAN in all caps
"We hurt without moving. We poison without touching. We bear the truth and the lies. We are not to be judged by our size. Type your answer
any one have inswer
Words (CAP the first letter)
can some one tell me the riddle answer for :you can hear me and control me, but never see or touch me:.
Cuz I put :your voice : as answer but it doesn’t work?
did you do it in all caps and no spaces?
yea I did but idk if it’s just me game that’s not working
Voice (CAP the first latter of the word)
It wont work even if i write Voice (first letter cap)
Yo, dude, what if i wanted to help by translating it in a language? (Obviously, under a payment, as it'd be a lengthy process)
What languages are you planning to translate the game into? I can translate it in italian.
alguien sabe?
does anyone know the answer?
"do you know da way"
I've got a problem, I've reached the point where Anna and snow white are bugged and Tinker bell is supposed to be working on a fix for it, nothing has happened for 30 in game days
is this an in-game bug that caused an actual bug? if so that's meta as all hell
How to find the second book for Ana?
en ingles es Voice
How do i unlock elsa?
I kinda forgot how
Rapunzel is still patreon exclusive on android, can you update soon? Thx
And how to make further progress with Rapunzel? I've tried everything.
wait for the next upate i guess

alguien sabe la respuesta en inglés por favor
alguien sabe la respuesta en inglés por favor
Gold Coin .. code?
Are you seriously asking this on the site where the developer can even see the comments? Dude, a bit of respect
no puedo preguntar y si el desarollador me responde estaré feliz de recibir su respuesta sea cual sea repuesto siempre comentarios como el tuyo rara ves contesto siéntete contento que lo hago
Dude, neither Dora nor Duolingo taught me spanish yet. Could you please use an international language, like English or Esperanto?
when is chapter 4 coming out or how to get to chapter
how can i pass this quest guys pls help me
how to finish chapters 3
Dude search google for a walkthrough or something, that's what I did
( This video is sponsored by ) answer plz
It shows wrong
no spaces
How to activate the patreon code? Enter the code and then what to do?
I'm answering Snowman but it's wrong, someone who can help me?
Write it in all caps and it should work
bro did u get the code
Is android 33.1 too? Its written 33 only?
0.33.1 patreon code doesn’t unlock anything
How do I continue the rapunzel story?
Alright. I'm an idiot and didn't read the patreon post.
how do u actually continue?
patreon code, guy.
So I can't continue the newest public release without the code??
i entert it but nothing happend
you have to enter it exactly as it appears in the post. All caps along with the underscore.
So i must conffes. I edited save a lot....broke it like 5 times .have like 99999999 cheatpoints on android.
Como faço pra encontrar o drone com o rubi alguém me ajuda pfvr😞😞
Se eu não me engano você tem que fazer expedições com drones até no minimo o meio do mapa, e então um drone com rubi aparecerá e depois do terceiro drone pronto a missão está concluida (Pelo menos foi isso que eu entendi de o que você disse).
Eu fiz várias vezes mas não aconteceu nada não encontrei nada não vc tem esse salve no seu jogo depois tira um print e me mostra como tenho q fazer fazendo um favor😓
Acho que não tem como mandar print aqui
Buy a flying device with five points of exploration ability and explore slowly. This game can read and archive endlessly and repeatedly
Players should not be short of money at this point
There seems to be nothing to cheat in this game. It's more casual
como lo hichiste por favor decime como editaste el archivo de guardado
Como faço pra continuar o jogo o drone q tem um rubi .Quem quiser o jogo em português é só baixar na lap k baixei foi lá pelo o link.