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when the next update released :(, u know its kinda lonely playing this game while not having new quest

Don't do that, it's too sad ahah, the update is coming soon, we are still working on some scenes, but it's coming :)


Привет помоги пожалуйста в квесте с Анной надо было ввести пароль 123ANNA123 я ввёл потом незнаю что делать надо найти какой-то накопитель помоги прошу вот момент


Привет помоги пожалуйста в квесте с Анной надо было ввести пароль 123ANNA123 я ввёл потом незнаю что надо найти какой-то накопитель помоги пожалуйста вот момент


Привет помоги пожалуйста в квесте с Анной надо было ввести пароль 123ANNA123 я ввёл потом незнаю что надо найти какой-то накопитель помоги пожалуйста вот момент

Cómo conseguir la respuesta de shpinx

How can I get different hair for Melisandre to get her to pose for Rapunzel? The change clothes option is blacked out and idk how to get different hair.

how do I get part 4 do I have to redownload the game or does it just automatically just do it?


I cant seem to figure out the code for this box

Alguien por favor me puede pasar la version en español no la pude conseguir en ningun lado




why cant i make the ''slutty'' dress for rapunzel?

to make her the slutty dress, you have to choose the options that lead her believing the outside is bad, but don't worry, after you finish her story, you can reboot her

Thanks ill try that


paras las personas que tiene el juego traducido en español y en Android....

(tienes que cambiar el idioma a inglés y te aparecerá la opción de "next page" en carácter status

Does anyone know the box code '- SILVER FOR"?



Is there no scenes for Elsa? I got her to show bra and panties and thats it.


I asked myself the same thing, is there more besides that?

yes, you need to talk to anna if I remember, than you make elsa a slutty dress, i'm not gonna spoil the scene

I've talked to every person I can, and I still don't get new options or progress




Seguramente ya la tienes, pero la respuesta es rodilla, es una referencia a skyrim, para ser exactos a su mas famosa frase "Yo era un aventurero como tú, hasta que recibi un flechazo en la rodilla."


Me pueden ayudar con esta

(1 edit) (-2)

ayuda ,help me Cuál es la respuesta  plsssssssss

I need help, where is the second book to teach Anna? 

Emee has it

(2 edits)

Master salty 01 i need your help when is ask Emee "How's the rosette corruption progressing" she will say "progressing, slowly but surely" did i do something wrong or missed something?? and second when i change Emee outfit to Aenari Pilot Jacket and pres "???🧡" She will say "I dont think so" please tell me what did i do wrong in her quest 🙏🙏😭😭 im literary going crazy right now trying to figure out what did i do wrong.

What is the anser to the box "GUESS I'LL" please help



all word cap

What is the answer to sphinx's riddle when you do not know what I am thing am something. when you know what I am I am nothing what am I? I tried  secret but didn't work. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

Answer = Riddle or Puzzle


"No,not at all"


does anyone know the right answer?
I've tried everything

Cloud,A Cloud,Rain Cloud
is nothing right does anyone know what the right answer would be?
please I beg you

and that the game achieves its objective and has incredible success <3


yes yes but it is not working

Raincloud with no space try that 


Hell, people, stop asking for riddle answers, when i read the comments i end up getting spoilers about the riddles minigame. Why don't you people just browse the answer on the rest of the internet by yourselves instead? 

For some reason, the "You can hear me and control me, but cant touch or see me." riddle wont take any answer. I've tried all the combinations of "your voice" and voice by itself, but it still wont take it.

I need help im stuck with elsa's quest i only have two options show her panties and bra is this normal? What do i have to do next?. Also does Emee and meli(Girl that looks edgy)(girl on the laboratory) Have a quest(seggs related quest;)). Any help would be aprreciated Advanced thanks

I just downloaded v0.33.1 however, i can't proceed to part 4. Can i get some help plz

Can anyone please tell how many sphinx questions were there in total . I am not encountering sphinx again after that Map question . I tried the "Take a piece of cloth" and "Let's do something fun" option , but she refused ....... And now I can't find her again in Part 2 even if i go for drone hunting so many times

Hola, me descargué el juego en el patreon y busqué en todo el patreon pero la verdad no le entiendo y no sé cómo descargarlo en español. Me pueden decir cómo hacerlo por favor.


alguien más espera la 0.33.1 en español?:(

La verdad sería demasiado bueno que salga en español y creo que tendría mucha más repercusión y apoyo:D

Hola, tienes o sabes en dónde puedo conseguir alguna versión anterior en español, ya busqué en todas partes y en su Patreon pero solo se descarga en inglés y no sé dónde o cómo hallarla.

how can i read the book to teach anna?

there's a bookshelf in your bedroom, click on it at night 


Can someone tell me,what the answer?

I tried Riddle/riddle, Secret/secret, Mystery/mystery and it didn't work.

hey can u please tell me how or when u got this new question . I can't seem to find her after that map question . I just advanced to Part 2 of game when all Snow white quest were finished in part 1. Now , i sent quiet a few times but I can't find her

I got it when i was at the end of Elsa's corruption i guess. I could be wrong because i kind of forgot

Hey Hello. Can you tell me what the answer to the sphinx riddle is? I've tried all the ways and it doesn't give me the right answer. Posd: I have the game in Spanish.
(1 edit)

You know you can just type the question on your browser instead of searching it on a specific site? It should work. 

I've seen this riddle in Goblin Slayer

Riddle. It's because of what she gives you.

It's "Riddles". I also tried all of what you said but making it plural worked.


I just downloaded v0.33.1 however, i can't proceed to part 4. Can i get some help plz?


It'd be cool if it were lgbtq+ friendly. Of course, I haven't played that far into the game, so I'm not sure if there are male interests


In fact, we were thinking about making a "Bisexual" version but it's mostly a question of profit, if I pay someone to make an alternative version, it has to be worth it, and I'm not sure that it is.

But if I'm proven wrong, I'll be happy to set it up one day.

id love to see a lesbian version

That would be so cool! I'm really loving the game and it's progression. Can't wait to see what you decide

How do you open the console? Shift O does nothing

El juego esta en español?

Creo que no ;-;

is there actually any sex in this? I’m at chapter 2 and even the strip show didn’t have her legs open, so the most you see is breasts.
Seems like an interesting and fun game, but definitely lacking sexual content.

yes, there is sex, but more far ahead, and be careful, because you can miss some better versions of some scenes

yea, I usually save before every encounter, as well as go over each option (do it, rewind, and go over it again). It's an interesting game and normally I don't play the 2D cartoonie type games, but it caught my attention.
I find that it's a really hard balance with these games, trying to find a balance between story and sexual encounters. But so far, I find that many of these games are more story and teasing than actual encounters. And that's even more so when you look for a particular fetish.

Is there a way to transfer my Android save data to PC?


What is the code on Call_Cuve Pc? I am stuck in this part

How do you get access to the console commands for Android

When does sphinx show up again after chapter 1 part 1?


she shows up many times homie

do you have to restart with each new update after it installs


in the first question of "Sphinx" i have tried all the ways "human" "man" "person" and none works for me, am I fine or is it a bug in the game?


HUMAN   in all caps

"We hurt without moving. We poison without touching. We bear the truth and the lies. We are not to be judged by our size. Type your answer

any one have inswer

(2 edits) (+1)


Words (CAP the first letter)

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