Not every game makes it to a final version, but you managed to. So I give you my kudos and hope that your second chapter makes it as well as your first has. (If possible quicker. ;P)
The second one will be finished faster (faster than the first one for sure x) ) I have a small team working with me, and moreover, the new animations should be faster to make ( and more beautiful ahah )
Dang it I didn't get to play 34 haha I was going to make a joke about it. I didn't play it because my pc is busted and I was wondering if buy the game on steam will I get the queen and repunlze?
Can you add the walkthrough because I am stuck and I do not know what to do. I have checked every place and no event is happening. Snow White is waiting for us to go back to the portal but the player character says he has a plan. Also for Anna im stuck with her. It would be greatly appreciated if you add a walkthrough.
i had the same problem even after i finished emees line so it might be that they dont have the tiara hairstyle that fixed it for me you also need the red princess dress
I've just finished this game before a few hours.Mainly you have to go to Anna.Then she will tell you to take 10 clothing scraps for ELSA.Then you can go ahead
Можно ли ещё очень интересующий меня вопрос, сколько глав планируется? Заранее огромное спасибо, игра топовая, сюжет 10 из 10, прям затянуло, таких игр я давно не видал, все как живое, все диалоги, сцены.
Keep searching using your robot eventually on the icon where will be a yellow! And that usually how u get to meet her again (and repeat it because that how u eventually get to f her)
Alguien me puede decir la respuesta del acertijo de sphinx el acertijo es "Cuando no sabes lo que soy, entonces soy algo. Cuando sabes lo que soy, entonces no soy nada. Qué soy !? Can someone tell me the answer to the sphinx riddle the riddle is "When you don't know what I am, then I am something. When you know what I am, then I am nothing. What am I!?
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please help me i'm stuck and i don't know what to do
Try to turn on the PC, several times, it'll not work. Try to open drawers, also won't work.
Talk to Emee, ask her about the drawers and the PC, she'll give you some suggestions.
Open both drawers first, then activate PC, click power button again.
It powers on, scroll through options on screen. Click on Anna's Entry
Enter password "123ANNA123"
Follow prompts to download the dress blueprint
Replace one of the disks with dress
what anna
Alguien sabe que va ahí?
could someone help me where I put the password 123 ANNA123 I don't think
in the computer you can access in the snow outpost (scroll up for more info as its alr said)
Will the steam version also have the patreon locked content, or will it all be available?
The steam version will include absolutely everything.
For the full version you must necessarily be a patreon?
Я застрял на квесте
Где мелисса просит найти ей другую причёску
Я искал дроном 30 раз но так и не нашёл
sphinx question when u do not know what I am then I am something special when u kono want I am then I am nothing what am I.
the answer is Riddle
does someone know how i get the last option? I cant imagine who it is .
Thanks! :)
i need help with this quest.
You need to continue the emee part (look at my comment) after her part you can make the next step
please help me and this riddle. If you have me. You share me. If you share me. you haven’t got me
iirc its "secret"
Not every game makes it to a final version, but you managed to. So I give you my kudos and hope that your second chapter makes it as well as your first has. (If possible quicker. ;P)
Thanks, that's very kind ^^
The second one will be finished faster (faster than the first one for sure x) )
I have a small team working with me, and moreover, the new animations should be faster to make ( and more beautiful ahah )
Hope this update adds a lot because it just became a rampage of side quests
So will chapter 2 only be avaliable to patreons or will it be acessible to everyone?
Everyone, and with exclusive quests to patreons and updates available for 7 days in advance on patreon, like the first one ^^
Do we have a discord server of this game? I dont really use web much. Its just for getting announced.
i checked from what i looked no
the announcements are done in patron and the development log here in
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Dang it I didn't get to play 34 haha I was going to make a joke about it. I didn't play it because my pc is busted and I was wondering if buy the game on steam will I get the queen and repunlze?
the steam version has everything so yes you will
Can you add the walkthrough because I am stuck and I do not know what to do. I have checked every place and no event is happening. Snow White is waiting for us to go back to the portal but the player character says he has a plan. Also for Anna im stuck with her. It would be greatly appreciated if you add a walkthrough.
have you progressed emee's story as that needs to be done to progress i would say how to do her line but i wont spoil
i had the same problem even after i finished emees line so it might be that they dont have the tiara hairstyle that fixed it for me you also need the red princess dress
When will 1.0 update be available for public
Whats the code for meli at outpost 12 i missed it
what that orange thing means?
You didn't get the full quest completed only a partially altered load up an earlier save you try a different choice
What's the pattern code
I'm stuck at this part.Can anyone help me?
im stuck there too
I've just finished this game before a few hours.Mainly you have to go to Anna.Then she will tell you to take 10 clothing scraps for ELSA.Then you can go ahead
How many time rapunzel will be rebooted?
as many times it talks to get the right combo to stop her from hiting you
I can't get past snow white or even get to Elsa my character just keeps saying be patient he'll think of a plan
is there an estimate date for the public release? I'm excited to play!
Every other time it was released on patreon a week earlier so im guessing its the same now
wait so some of the girls will look different to avoid copy right strike? will that only be the steam version or like will that be the thing now?
Only the paid version of the game like on Steam and
The old characters will stay on Patreon anyway :)
so like the free versions will have the old characters? thats cool i guess
I have unlocked all the data images from gallery (01 - 09) but when I press on number 10 it says "You must unlock images from 01 to 09 to unlock this
Можно ли ещё очень интересующий меня вопрос, сколько глав планируется? Заранее огромное спасибо, игра топовая, сюжет 10 из 10, прям затянуло, таких игр я давно не видал, все как живое, все диалоги, сцены.
Большое спасибо, мне приятно видеть, что мою игру оценили!
Всего планируется 3 главы. Впереди еще несколько лет обновлений! :)
Дружище, подскажи, как оплатил патронство?
when will the second chapter be released?
In a month or two (like a normal update)
Just the time to finish creating all the characters, the scenery, the story and the scenes ahah ^^
ETA when the final ch. 1 update will make it here to Itch?
Yes, but the end of the game will remain exclusive to patreon.
So it will be in-game, but only unlockable if you are a patreon.
I'm always confused with these statements.
Just to be sure, the steam version will be complete too?
Fuck can't wait for the next update, im hoping for a new scene of Melisandre cuz she's really fucking hot
how to meet the riddle girl again , last time she removed some jewelry/clothes near her ass but i haven't been able to found her since then
Keep searching using your robot eventually on the icon where will be a yellow! And that usually how u get to meet her again (and repeat it because that how u eventually get to f her)
What is answer of 'What is always coming but never arrives' i stuck in this question
Alguien me puede decir la respuesta del acertijo de sphinx el acertijo es "Cuando no sabes lo que soy, entonces soy algo. Cuando sabes lo que soy, entonces no soy nada. Qué soy !? Can someone tell me the answer to the sphinx riddle the riddle is "When you don't know what I am, then I am something. When you know what I am, then I am nothing. What am I!?
What if it's not. Doesn't work Do you know the answer for the spanish version? Any of the words that I use work on it
What do i do after Rapunzel tells me i dont have enough skills for colour.
(green heart option)
Also, is there a discord for this game?
Hairstyle creation how do i unlock Hairstyle creation
Hairstyle creation locked how do i fix