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now Ana's option doesn't even come up

It hurts us without moving, poisoned, etc.                 The answer is words                     

nos duele sin movernos enevenados etc.

La respuesta es en ingles y es words


does anyone know why this happens in riddle? 


just hit ignore


It was useful to you?

when I put ignore sphinx it says that it is the wrong answer and it does not let me write anything


Yeah, you need to go file game/cell01_SH.rpy, open this file with code visual and go to the line 708 and add a f letter in color=ffe8f, it should like color=fffe8f, sorry for my inglish, I dont speak inglish

no funciono :(

Gente encontré la reapuesta tienes que actualizar a la versión resiente y la respuesta es Hombre con H mayúscula 

Grasias el Pepe


please i need the answer to the first sphinx riddle    

por favor necesito la respuesta del primer acertijo de la esfinge

I already tried with man but nothing                              

Ya intenté con hombre pero nada

es personas o humanos 

try "Man" with a capital M

Hi there!

I really love the game and I'd like to know if you're looking for a translator in French. I saw that the game is available in Spanish and was wondering if you needed a French one (and I'm not at all interested in money or anything, I just want to lend a hand if you need it ^^)


Hola buenas tardes vengo a comentarles que tengo un problema, en el acertijo de la esfinge, concretamente en el primero, la respuesta es el Hombre, pero no me lo acepta 


hombre así me agarro nose si ya probaste con ese


alguien me puede ayudar q debo poner aqui

(1 edit) (+1)



This was such bullsh**.  The riddles syntax was first upper and the rest lower, and here it was all CAPS?  WTF...thought I clicked through some Anna dialogue I was supposed to pay attention to, or something.

wasnt there use to be a google docs to help you


⁰no paso de hay ayuda cual es la respuesta (en ingles)


El hombr e


Ayuda ya hise de todo y no puedo pasar de aqui ya tengo lel contenido de los cajones y hable con emme pero no logro econtrar como llegar a los archivos de anna


Ya lograste pasar esa parte? Yo sigo atrapado

Ya la pasaste?

Ya pasaste la parte de Elsa?


Ya la pasaste?

Mira papi lo que hice yo fue lo siguiente.

instale vysor en mi celular para conectarlo a mi laptop, luego de estar conectados y compartiendo pantalla entre al juego y dandole a la tecla A del teclado ajustas el tamaño de las letras para que te pueda salir "Página siguiente" y ahi recien sale el inventario de ANNA

(1 edit)

Dude, im stuck here: she wont have the sex, she has already given me all the credits and has nothing else. There needs to be some other option, for this case, Salty: i cant just have to roll back the mouse wheel. 

Luckily i had saved twice... 

Will chapter 2 be made like this (free version plus a lot of stuff with patreon) or will it have a cost to play at all

What should I do here 

please help 

I can't skip this stage

Will the game be released in Russian language? At least in steam?


guys i need help i stuck in all, I can't get Anna's book, I can't interact with Rapunzel because she tells me I don't have the skills for that, and I can't get anything with Anna either because I need the book

before i forget anything with emma too, i already bought everything from her and there is nothing else to interact with her


Just go see emee and buy the book (or read the book ine the shelter into you're office like... right to the computer)

(2 edits) (-2)

Whats the patreon cheat code i cant find it no matter how long I look i cant join the patreon 


You're not meant to have it if you can't join the Patreon. That's the point. It's for PATRONS. If everyone got it, there would be no reason to support the game via Patreon beyond just being generous.


estoy atrapado en esta parte del juego, no sé que hacer, hay que pasar de página pero por más que marque las pequeñas letras abajo de todo no pasa nada, tocó toda la pantalla y nada, conecte un mouse para intentar arrastrar la pantalla y ver si podía encontrar la opción de saltar página y nada, alguien me dice si lo estoy haciendo mal o es un error del juego


Retrocede y clickea bien donde están los cajones debajo del pc el primer cajón debería abrirse y darte un blueprint para copiar el vestido


Me ayudas, ya hize todo los cajones y extraterrestre , le tocó el nombre de Elsa y nada


Hi , i love the game , but i think its can better with an great animation (a reel animation) for sex scene principally (and maybe strip scen and other? ) , its really good game and i think with a better animation its can be  one of the best game like this :D


It is planned! We are currently making live2D animations for chapter 2 ^^


Niiice , and about the actual animations , you're thinking for reworking or no 

For the moment, we're mostly busy working on chapter 2

( we really need to move to another atmosphere ahah )

We'll probably go back to chapter 1 when chapters 1, 2 and 3 will be finished ^^

Okay ! No problem i hope all its fine for you and good luck with the work !


i cant find the second sewing book for anna and i know its supposed to be at emee but she doesnt have them and i cant progress with any of the character without books

how can i unlock rapunzel

Amigos me quedé en la parte de sphinx me quedé en la adivinanza que decía " cuando no sabes lo que soy entonces soy algo cuando sabes lo que soy entonces no soy nada que soy" si no estoy mal la respuesta es adivinanza pero me sale que es incorrecta ¿Cuál es la respuesta?

Secret así tal cual

¿Cómo puedo pasar las bragas de Elsa? Y terminar la última misión de Blancanieves

(1 edit)

Where do you get the black and white paint for rapunzels quest?

Deleted post


When I want to see the character affinity images, it says an exception has occurred.Does anyone know how to deal with it?

it's Android version


Alguém pode me falar o quê eu coloco?



Excuse me, do you have in mind when it will be released on Steam? I would like to know if there is already an approximate date.


The steam release is planned for the fall.
For the moment we focus on the beginning of chapter 2 ^^

Does anyone know the answer to the lockbox question "SILVER FOR" I can't figure out the phrase. 

MONSTERS ? Almost all the phrases are references to video games or series. Personally, I recommend that you look for some guides that, if I remember correctly, there are some that make that clear to you.


i saw a post that said walkthrough, but no link.  And now I'M stuck on "HANS, GET ZE" passwor

Someone can help me? I need to know how can I change the language from english to spanish, bc I from LATAM xD the spanish is easier for me.

Pd: I'm very sorry for my bad english writing.

Si no mal recuerdo, la traducción hecha por fans está en su patreon pero no creo que este completa. no he visto que haya hablado de esta recientemente 





no me deja


Oque fazer depois que você fala com Melissandre sobre as luvas de Elsa.... Oque fazer? Pois estou preso nessa parte e não aparece nada pra prosseguir 

O jogo finaliza aqui? (A parte grátis)

Você tem que ir com 10 peças de pano (neste momento não lembro como se chamavam no jogo) para que uma animação com Anna salte e dê a Elsa uma roupa nova

como puedo cambiar el color de cabello de melissandre. La maquina de creación de peinados me aparece bloqueado la opción de peinados. por favor ayudaaaaaaaa pls

How do I play on mac? I used to be able to but all the updates are PC or android. 

I think there was a way to emulate window or linux so you can play right?

As in the final update, does it mean no more for the whole game, or there will be a new chapter?

Also would love a way to buy Patreon Content without actually using Patreon: ie paying through itch or steam for  DLC content

Yes, we work on a Chapter 2 right now :)
For the Steam release, the game will be completely open and all the quests (like the Patreon quests) will be available.

I'm stuck at " A full schooling " what should i do please help!!!

Deleted 146 days ago

Yes :)

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