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So I'm stuck in the frozen cave with the pc, and i can't scroll on it since I'm on Android, does anybody have a solutiin on how to get past that "level"?


Me too... GM Please fix this Android version bug :/

i don't remember what you want to scroll cause the computer in the cave to get in others archives you click in next page 

i think there is a glitch in the display so its in the bottom left of the screen

I a bummed I can't fiscuss things that I am having issues with :(:(:(:

When will 1.29 be available on Android?

I don't know the answer to Sphinx's first riddle.... help my



Dude simply Google it

What is always coming and never arrives.

Tomorrow is wrong

It is Tomorrow


Type (Tomorrow) 



It must be a bug then because it worked for me

normaly righ

Please tell me there will be an android version for the new update

The anonymous gave me a key what do I do with it?




Thanks bro👍

I am stuck at the box says 


Please help

SNOWMAN all caps no spaces



Talk to emee she should have it soon

Looking through the comments, it seems like a lot of people struggle with the chests. Just a thought, but what if the chest mini-game was something like a word jumble? I personally haven't had trouble with them, but maybe that would give people a starting point to latch onto for the ones they don't know. Cheers!


I finished all the quests that are available, but the last two on the main quest and the last one on the character quest aren't a check mark but a circle with a line through it. I assume this means the quests aren't finished but how do I complete them?

Actually it means that the ending version you got isn't the "full" ending. The things you did got "an" ending but you can get "better" endings next time.

Oooh thanks! :]

Ey bro u finished the Anna part?


nope ;w;

Is there a way to get the third sewing book for Anna's quest?

I bilive there's no way cause she needs to talk with Elsa but Elsa is not in the game yet (probably next or next next update)

Elsa is in the game now, but i dont know hot to get the third seving book


I don't know what to do when I find this

Deleted 1 year ago

I cant type on screen in a cave (android), please help


I stuck here


you tried write all in caps lock?

look in the top drawer under the computer you have to choose to sacrifice a blueprint you found the bottom gives credits you give to emee but you do get some back

I'm stuck at out post 16 on mobile

Hola! Me está encantando el juego pero me acabo de atorar en la enseñanza de Anna, no encuentro el tercer libro por ninguna parte, ya a este punto le compré todo a  emme para ver si desbloqueaba algo, si alguien sabe cómo obtener el tercer libro se lo agradecería mucho ya que no pasó del "tengo cosas que preparar"

Muchas gracias en caso de responder

Si yo tambien lo necesito(if i need it too)

Probablemente aún no se haya implementado.


somebody give me code of Rapunzel


This code is only available for Patrons.

I need help will do  yo what to build a

SNOWMAN if you mean the box in the drones section capitals and no space


Does anyone know the "-a soul for a " chest answer?

a soul for a soul
infinity war

I'm stuck on "A full schooling" on the main story. I go to Anna and click on the teaching category and all my mc says is "Well... I still have a few things to prepare and we'll begin as soon as possible!" What am I supposed to do? Any help is greatly appreciated.

reed books they are above the quest pc next your bed

Im stuck at snow white's mirror quest, everytime I visit her the Main character always said "Wait, I've got an idea, but you need to be patient" or something along that line and won't trigger the event. Is it a glitch or am I need to do something? 

Did you find the solution cause I'm there now


is there a way to skip to the new content on a new update, or do I have to play the game through again

Take your old saves and put on the saves in the new location

Stuck on second anna dress blueprints I can't get any more clothes blueprints I've done at least 20 drone runs and still nothing. I also can't get snow white wishing well outfit blueprints.


Never mind I'm big stupid it's been solved

Deleted 3 years ago

I may have found a bug  (Playing on a Mac).  Tried to make the dressmaker dress for Anna and it keeps registering it as not having the required stuff for it even though I have more than enough. Something to watch out for folks! I may have to restart the game to try and make it work, which sucks but hey what you gonna do.

(3 edits) (+1)

I Have a problem Once im at the cave i can't Scroll Downon the computer , when i play on phone, what to do?


I'm stuck on a box that says "IT'S LEVIOSA NOT LEVIOSAAAAA" Help open this box please


I have a problem with the credits I get when I do the search with the robot. I mean, I don't increase any even if you tell me I've got it. Can anyone help me?

is there a discord for this developer or game?

I don't know what to do when I find this

you write "MONSTERS"

Someone tells me what the code is for Elsa's hand, I'm stuck there 3 days ago plis



I love your game salty but i think there is a problem with the new version. I played an old version and didn't have any pb to find the books for Anna but here with the 0.28.1 I absolutly cannot find how you doing to get the 3 books ! Hope I'll get an answer soon,

Loving everything u doing !! Continue like this

So...did Petal go back to being quite unreliable in 28.1, or is my RNG just lousy? Seems that I get more bad stuff than good again...

Taking away that, I like the new improvements and looking forwards to more fun!

I'm at the part where u ask snow white to strip and I hve to give cupid apples but evertime I try it says unavailable 

Hi there Salty! I’m a big fan of the game but I ran into a problem. Whenever I enter in the code to do the pattern quest nothing happens. I even waited a couple of days and did a few main story quests but still nothing happened. Am I doing something wrong?

how do i get the third sewing book

i have the same question

Hi! First of all your game is really cool I like how the quest are slowly but simply build up.

But I feel I am stuck since the 0.28.1. It is been 20 days in game that I only can use drones, the quests seems ended for now (I reach mirror with snow white, I reed all 3 books with Anna but I "still have few things to prepare" and Melisandre is in the Laboratory, every small talk done but changing clothes is grey).

Is anybody can help me to understand what I've missed or if this is a bug?

Hey, thanks for the comment,

I advise you to check the newsletters on my Patreon to know what are the latest changes (and also what the future updates will be about)

Nothing paying in it I assure you, but it will be more developed than what I could write here.

Where did you get the second sewing book

After some time you buy it from Emee. I think after  she gets visite from Saber.

did you find an answer to this question? i am at the same place and can't figure out what to do

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